Random Thoughts

Weekly Weigh In – Friday 08/07/2020

Sixelaland Weekly Weigh In - weight loss journey weightloss

Wowza, how is it August in 2020 already? My kids are starting virtual school in the next couple weeks! How did this happen?

This was a great week for me, I hit the majority of my goals, and I LOST THIS WEEK AGAIN!


Steps: I did not specify a goal for my steps, but my goal is typically 8,000 or more. Last week after a gain, I pushed for 9,000 per day. Which I met last week. This week, I hit 8,000 everyday, and OVER 10,000 five of those days! Go me! I am very proud of these numbers and will strive to do similar to this next week!

Beachbody update: I’ve continued! I’ve done Days 1-10 of 21 Day Fix Real Time and will be doing 11 & 12 today on this lovely Friday. Go Beachbody! Loving these workouts!


I am struggling. Which frustrates me. I really ONLY drink water. I don’t drink soda, or flavored waters, or juice, or milk. I literally only drink water. And in the winter, I have an easier time getting all 3 of my 40oz Hydroflasks in a day. But in the summer.. I don’t understand. I’m sweating more, I’m thirstier, and I don’t always get all three in! This is still an area for improvement and I plan to keep on chugging! I did get 3/3 at least 5 of the days this week.


I did the following this week:

  • made better choices
  • ate less red meat
  • TRACKED EVERY SINGLE DAY – louder for those in the back.. TRACKED EVERY SINGLE DAY – tracking is seriously what 100% helps me lose weight. I know exactly what I can and can’t eat (and by can’t, I mean, I already had 3 cookies and having a 4th puts me 3 bites over my daily allotment and it’s not worth it today!)
  • ate out less often

Smoothies – No smoothies this week. But there will be at least 3 (THREE) smoothies this coming week. I promise.

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This weeks we have a 1.4 pound LOSS!!!!

More movement, tracking diligently, working on that water, all proved SUCCESSFUL!

The Stats!

  • Loss this week = -1.4 pounds
  • Loss since June 1st = -19.20 (so close to 20!!)
  • Total loss so far = 31.2 (FINALLY HIT THAT THIRTY POUND LOSS Y’ALL!!!!!)

A successful week!!

I will continue my daily Beach Body workouts, I will push myself when I’m uncomfortable, I will track and make better food choices.

What about you? How did you do? Loss, gain, maintain? How did you feel this week about that? Anything you would like to do different this coming week? Anything new you want to try?

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One thought on “Weekly Weigh In – Friday 08/07/2020
  1. CONGRATS! WOW – you are doing so great. I understand more than most the struggle of everything to do with eating healthy, walking and being accountable (to myself) for each step – gaining and losing. A story for another time – again, congrats & keep up the good work and posting.

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