Welcome back! I was on the struggle bus last week! I didn’t even check in! I’m so sorry. Let’s just say last week was a fun up and down and basically a stay the same kind of week. My body must have been confused from the 3.2 loss!
So moving on.. this week! I weighed in on Saturday vs Friday only because I forgot on Friday.
Lose 5 percent of my body weight by September 30th. This is approximately 13 pounds.

I continued doing Intermittent Fasting (OMAD-One Meal A Day) Monday through Friday. I did not track most of the week. I’m back on track for tracking this upcoming week. At any rate, I lost 2.4 pounds this week! WHEEEEEE!!! Yay yay yay!
My goal is to lose 13 pounds, and since Sept. 1 I’ve lost 5.6 pounds. Can I lose another 7.4 pounds in less than two weeks? Maybe. We shall see! I’m extra on track and on my way down down down!
Change my “middle number” on the scale 2 times in September, and at least one additional time in Oct/Nov/Dec. With the goals above, this should actually happen 3 times, but I’m being conservative.

This is one that will be on hold for a few pounds, but I’m hopeful I can hit it! It will depend on those 7.4 pounds in the next two weeks!
Officially change my step goal from 8,000 to 10,000. Eeeks.
This has been done. And I’ve been doing it. Some days are ROUGH. But I get there and I work hard some days to get there and other days the steps are just part of my day and I can go way over. It’s a delicate dance and I’m working on balancing it so it’s not such a struggle.
I am posting both weeks of steps for accountability. I did indeed achieve at least 10,000 each day for the last two weeks:
You can see if it’s a day where it’s ONLY 10,000 (and some change).. that was a struggle day. But out of 14 days, only 5 of then were 10 days… so not too shabby!
Exercise 5 out of 7 days a week for a minimum of 1 hour. (Beachbody, Walk Video, Walk at the Park, Swim, whatever as long its an actually exercise.)
- Friday 9/4 – Walk at the Park (and Grocery Shopping)
- Saturday 9/5 – Walk at the Park
- Sunday 9/6 – Just Dance
- Monday 9/7 – Just Dance
- Tuesday 9/8 – Just Dance
- Wednesday 9/9 – Country Heat x 2, Walk at the Park
- Thursday 9/10 – Country Heat x 3x, Walk at the Park
- Friday 9/11 – Just Dance
- Saturday 9/12 –Just Dance
- Sunday 9/13 – Just Dance
- Monday 9/14 – Country Heat x 2
- Tuesday 9/15 – House Walking & House Work/Laundry Walking
- Wednesday 9/16 – Walk at the Park
- Thursday 9/17 – Walk at the Park
I’ve done well the last two weeks, only one day I didn’t have some sort of exercise but still got my steps in.
Drink 120 ounces (or more) of water per day.

I did well again this this week on my water and got 3/3 of my 40 ounce bottle of water in almost daily for the last two weeks!
Congrats on the weightloss