This post, is my Weekly Weigh In post for Friday, 8/28/20, as well as, an announcement for the rest of the year!
The reason I’m pushing my normal weekly weigh in, is because I stayed the same. Which is GREAT! Always happy when there is ZERO GAIN!

But I need a PUSH! I’ve been basically maintaining for like 3 weeks now.
So – in a couple of my Facebook groups, there’s been talk of a take back 2020 for the last four months of the year.
It’s been a crazy year, with a lot of weird, a lot of ridiculous, a lot of scary, a lot of eating, a lot of tv/computer/screen time, etc. It’s been weird.
I’ve been inspired to TAKE BACK 2020.
I’m using the last four months of the year to plan out my weight loss goals (during some of the hardest months of the year with the “eating” holidays ALL coming up!), but THIS is exactly why I need to do this!

So I have four months to kick start/jump start my body and my weight loss plan.

Here are my goals – each new Weekly Weigh In which will now be Take Back 2020 posts, will update in the following areas:
- Lose 5 percent of my body weight by September 30th. This is approximately 13 pounds.
- Lose 4 percent of my body weight by October 31st. This is approximately 10 pounds.
- Lose 2 percent of my body weight by November 30th & December 31st. This is approximately 5 pounds and 5 pounds each month.
- Change my “middle number” on the scale 2 times in September, and at least one additional time in Oct/Nov/Dec. With the goals above, this should actually happen 3 times, but I’m being conservative.
- Officially change my step goal from 8,000 to 10,000. Eeeks.
- Exercise 5 out of 7 days a week for a minimum of 1 hour. (Beachbody, Walk Video, Walk at the Park, Swim, whatever as long its an actually exercise.
- Drink 120 ounces (or more) per day.
While some of these feel huge, I feel they are absolutely obtainable, and I can do this with lots of work.
This is a total of 33 pounds in 4 months. This will be great progress getting me down down down on that scale!
This is the perfect time to buckle down, take back 2020, and get some real results!
Let’s take back 2020 together!
I like how you broke this down into smaller steps. It feels do-able! I’m onboard!
I have also been on a weight loss journey doing like a modified Keto version where I am watching my carbs and sugar intake. So far in the last 2 months I’ve lost 16 lbs. The reason I say modified is because I don’t overload my body with fats either. I loose about a pound a week and I’ve actually come accustomed to eating this way. I still want to lose about 27 lbs. so just know that you are not alone on the weight loss journey! Hopefully by the end of the year we will both meet our goals!
Great goals! Writing is down and putting it out there is both brave and a great idea! Good luck, we’ll be cheering you on!
This is such a cool idea, I totally respect setting goals outside of just the “new year, new me” frame. I really agree that we don’t have to let the circumstances determine our mood, we can always turn it around! Thank you for sharing x