I lost almost 100 pounds on Points Plus.

100 pounds. I was probably a week away from getting my 100 pound loss certificate at Weight Watchers.
Then, Weight Watchers moved to a NEW program! Smart Points!
From Jan 2015-Nov 2015 I lost. Then in November the switch to Smart Points happened.
I could no longer sustain my weight loss. And I wasn’t close to my goal. I still needed to lose a good 35 pounds to get to a goal weight.
I was constantly HUNGRY.
Like starving.

And I was still eating the same things that I ate on Points Plus, but I had to eat less of them. The change in their science made it impossible for me to feel satisfied on Smart Points.
As you may know, I have issues with fruits and vegetables. I can’t eat “normal”, which is why Points have always worked so well for me, I could eat what I liked, but I was getting portion control & accountability. And I was also TRYING to eat healthier as much as I could.
But Smart Points was STARVING ME.
I couldn’t do it! I basically maintained for a year, then the three next years I gained and gained, little bits here and little bits there, until I had gained back the full almost 100 pounds.

So disappointing.
I paid Weight Watchers so much money for three years and then some here and there.

The first year was 100% worth it. I lost, I had support, I had a plan that worked, I had accountability with that scale every week. I really really love and believed in Weight Watchers when it was Points Plus, or even the old Points Program.
And then it all changed. My leaders changed a couple times, the plan no longer worked. I didn’t even care anymore if I gained, which was not how I felt in the beginning.

I had lost all of my momentum and drive for losing the weight that I needed to lose.
I’ve had the fleeting moments of drive here and there in the last 2 years, but it’s been just that, fleeting, I’m good for a week, then I’m out.
This. This is why I started this blog. I want to share and help other folks trying to losing weight. (Side note.. I also want to share fun family things to do, or how to travel on a budget and still have a great time, or show off some amazing products that have been life changing.) BUT. Ultimately, I’m here for accountability and to help others. I need this to not be fleeting again. I need to be healthy. I want others to be motivated, I want others to be healthy, I want to help someone in their darkest hour when they decide to eat the whole cake or pie (I’ve been there, I understand, I’m a safe space.)
My Weekly Weigh In Posts have helped me stay on track for a full month and a half! Something I haven’t been able to do since January of 2015.
I have almost no followers at this point, but someday, someday, I know, you reading this will be my 10th, 100th, 1,000th, 10,000th follower. I know it. I know I can help other folks not motivated, or give a tip or trick that will change your world.
Smartpoints doesn’t work for me.

I wrote a whole post about my favorite app iTrackBites and how it’s put me back into the program that WORKS FOR ME!!!
Points Plus works. iTrackBites Carb Conscious works. It’s the same program, but I’m tracking my bites vs points. Same logistics.
Holding strong for a full month and a half, I’m down over 15 pounds.
FOLKS!! FIFTEEN POUNDS!!! In just 6 weeks. Averaged out, that’s 2.5 lbs a week.

This was how I was able to lose back in 2015. I went for months with no gain, months. This program works. Especially for the picky eaters like me that have SUPER LIMITED options for food!
I really wanted Smart Points to work. I did, I was excited when it came out. Even the new plans they are promoting, the colors.. it’s still not Points Plus science and I’ve looked over the details thoroghly and it just won’t work for me.
If I’m starving, I’m going to fall off the wagon. It’s how my make up works. I binge eat because I’ve been depriving myself.
Points or Bites, I have plenty and I’m not starving, I can eat a lot and stay within my point range.
And I’m proof, six weeks of tracking, staying on program, and getting my steps, I’ve lost fifteen pounds.
I still have respect for Weight Watchers, and I’d honestly LOVE to be able to go back, but I just can’t until I get my Points Plus back. Come on Weight Watchers, let us select the plan WE WANT TO USE in the app. I would still be willing to pay for the weekly meeting and weigh in.
I hope this helps you in some small way.