Recipes Weight Loss & Health

My Favorite Smoothie

I have a hard time with fruits and vegetables.  I found this combination of smoothie ingredients is something my body can tolerate and it doesn’t taste horrible (to me, my kids absolutely love it and they love fruits and veggies).  I don’t love it, but I don’t love most smoothies I’ve tried.  At least I know what’s going in this one, I don’t add any sugar like the smoothie places do, and I’ve got a veggie in there with the Spinach.

This drink doesn’t look pretty because of the Spinach.  It will likely be an interesting green.  If color makes a difference to you, and you want to see a more purple color, adding additional Blueberries will help and a little less Spinach. The color doesn’t bother me, so I just go with whatever happens with my ingredients.

The Ingredients:

Two Variations:

Smaller size versionLarger size version
½ cup Blueberries (frozen)
¾ cup Strawberries (frozen)
1 small Banana (frozen)
½ of an Orange
¾ to 1 cup of Spinach
½ cup Almond Milk (or liquid of your choosing)
½ cup Plain Greek Yogurt
4 oz. Blueberries (frozen)
6.5 oz. Strawberries (frozen)
1 small Banana (frozen)
1 Orange
1 to 1 ½ cups Spinach
1 cup Almond Milk (or liquid of your choosing)
¾ to 1 cup of Plain Greek Yogurt
This will make just under 2 – 16 oz cups of smoothie. 
I make this variation when I am the only one enjoying the smoothie. 
I drink half in the early morning and the other half before lunch.
This will typically make 3 – 16 oz cups of smoothie. 
I tend to share with my kids, so this works best for me sharing.

Blending Instructions:

  1. Put the spinach and almond milk in the blender, blend for a minute or until fully smooth, I don’t enjoy bits and pieces, so I let this blend for a solid 2-3 minutes.
  2. While it’s blending, I peel my orange, since that takes me a minute.
  3. Add Yogurt and orange, blend another minute or 2.
  4. Add frozen fruit, blend until smooth, another 2 or 3 minutes to make sure it’s fully blended.
  5. Pour into your drinking device and enjoy!


  • I spend Sunday or Monday cutting and cleaning the strawberries, blueberries, and bananas. I divvy them out and put them in freezer zip top bags.  This helps the smoothie have a thicker, colder consistency, and I’m not watering it down with ice.
  • The orange is helpful to add some liquid.
  • If you put this in the fridge or freezer, it will get a bit thicker, I wouldn’t recommend the freezer for too long, I make two of the smaller cups, put one in the freezer for about half an hour while I drink the first.

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