Today was a tough day. I wasn’t feeling great, my allergies were extra annoying. I hadn’t slept well, due to said allergies. I didn’t really want to do much.
I mindlessly skimmed Facebook and Instagram for a bit. Then I was productive online for a couple hours. Then I hit another wall.
I didn’t want to write, I didn’t want to watch anything, I didn’t want to sit or walk or swim.

So I took the dog outside. I thought, maybe a little sunshine will help.
I stood outside for about five minutes, just soaking in a little sun, thinking about my mindset. I didn’t want to call today a bad day for my feeling a little off. I took some deep breaths, then we came back inside.

I did some laundry walking.
I cleaned up the living room.
I played some Animal Crossing.
I took care of bills and budgeting for the week.
I even went outside and put some weeds into a garbage bag (towards the end of the day when it wasn’t ridiculous hot outside.)
I felt more productive. I had to push myself to feel productive. But I did it.
And you know what.
I felt better.
My head was still allergy fuzzy, but I had a sense of accomplishment.
I pushed through to get some stuff done. I hate getting to the end of a day and looking back, thinking, what happened, did anything happen? And I can’t remember.
None of these things were super amazing things, but each one was something I could check off the to-do list.
I just finished getting my steps for the day, and now, I’m writing this post and making some fun graphics of some motivational quotes that spoke to me today. I pushed, it made me feel better, and I felt the need to create. Which makes me happy!

So when it gets tough, and you don’t feel like you can keep on keeping on, dig a little deeper, take a breath, get some sunshine, go on a short or long walk, take a shower, push through the haze and fuzzy head to keep going and make your day count.