I plan on writing in depth posts regarding allergies, things that help, what I’ve been through in the past.
This is just about what is happening right now, in real time. I woke up today have a horrible allergy attack, sneezing, coughing, runny nose, sinus headache.
Some days are better than others, today has been a bad one.
Today, we actually had plans, and had to go out to lunch with family. I couldn’t take the tissue away from my nose. It was a constant dripping. That’s super awkward at the lunch table! The sneezing is a minimum of three in a row, however, it typically is more. The coughing makes people look at me like I’ve got the corona…
“It’s just allergies, I swear..”

I have to say that far too often.
At any rate, I used oil on my chest and under my nose, Young Living Raven, (a sample I got from a friend), and I could barely smell it.
I took Tylenol, because for some weird reason. It helps. When I’m having an attack in the middle of the night, if I have been fighting it for over an hour, I will get up and either take 2 Tylenol or 2 Ibuprofen. I don’t know why, I am not a doctor or scientist, but it makes it stop. The Tylenol helped a teeny bit this time, but I was still dripping like crazy, but the sinus headache was dulled some.
I drank a ton of water at lunch, water often seems to help subside things when it’s been a really bad day. Eh.. maybe it helped some.
I drank a Emergen-C when i got home from lunch. No idea if this helped, but it seemed like a great idea at the time!
I’ve got the diffuser going with Peppermint (7 drops), Eucalyptus (4 drops), Orange (3 drops), and Lavender (5-6 drops). Usually this helps immensely and is what I use regularly at night.. but I can’t even smell it right now.

My head HAS stopped dripping, but it’s so congested, I feel like even breathing through my mouth has been a struggle.
My nose is raw and red, from all the tissue blowing and wiping and just holding it in to catch the dripping.
My eyes are tired and I feel like I could sleep for a whole day.
The sinus headache is still barely there, probably being held off by that bit of Tylenol.
My face feels warm, but I have no fever, I’ve checked!

I write this not to complain. These are not complains, just descriptions of the issues at hand. I write this to share, with others that may suffer from similar attacks, you are not alone. I’ve struggled with these regularly my whole life.
It sucks.
But I’m writing a blog post about it, hopefully, my crazy ideas will help someone else when they have an attack. I’m pushing through this day, and I’m going to make something good come out of it, no matter what.
I will not let this misery get me down!
Quite honestly, you need to own stock in Kleenex.
Hahahaha, yes this is totally true!