Welcome to Sixelaland, my name is Alexis, or Sixela backwards, and this is the place for all of the random thoughts from my brain. I am a forty-something (shhh don’t tell anyone!) native Las Vegan, born and raised. I am currently unemployed, but previously worked in Retail, Human Resources, and Administrative work. Oh, the stories I could tell, but can’t.
I am on a weight loss journey (basically my whole life) that can be tricky due to my picky eating. I want to help others and I need some accountability partners myself.
I have chronic allergies and there is no season for me, it’s daily, every day of the year. This is also tricky to navigate and I’ll go through some of my trials and tribulations and what’s worked to give me teeny bits of relief here and there.
I enjoy spending time with my family: my husband, two kids, six cats, and dog. Yes, you read that correctly, six cats. Let’s just say I’m a sucker for a rescue kitty. We enjoy going to the movies, Disneyland, the lake to feed the fishies, Red Rock for hiking, and the beach.

I appreciate positivity, and work daily on being more positive in my life.
This blog will be about some of these things:
- Baking (all the deliciousness)
- Writing (words words words)
- Books (reading all the words)
- Weight Loss (losing those pounds!)
- Picky Eating (the struggles!)
- Cooking Fails & Wins (my fails outnumber my wins!)
- New Recipes (finding new happy dishes)
- Products that make my life easier/happier
- Allergies (there is no “season” for me)
- Oils (what has worked for my allergies)
- All things Disney
- Kid Stuff
So there you have it, some of the things we will talk about. I only write about topics I am well versed in and have life experience, I’m not faking any of my blog posts. I am not about just one thing, I’m kind of all over the place, so hopefully you like a good variety show (blog)! And if you don’t, my blog will be organized into categories, so you can easily filter what you do like to see.