Fitness Weekly Weigh Ins Weight Loss & Health

7/3/2020 – Friday Weekly Weigh In

Sixelaland Weekly Weigh In - weight loss journey weightloss

Welcome back! We made it to Friday! It’s a holiday weekend! Happy 4th of July for those who celebrate!

Let’s start with what worked for me this week.

I tracked EVERYDAY in my iTrackBites App.

Once again, I stayed on track and tracked all the food I ate this week! We went to my family’s house on Saturday for my grandma’s 88th birthday! I made her chocolate cupcakes (I ate two with vanilla frosting), and molasses cookies.. even those were really for my mother (I ate one of those). It was a delightful day, my husband and uncle cooked hotdogs and hamburgers. I tracked all I ate and I did initially gain a little Monday after the weekend festivities.

Sunday we went to my favorite mexican restaurant. I tracked everything including ALL the chips and salsa.

The rest of the week was pretty normal, the only “out” food I also had was yesterday (Thursday), my duaghter and i had Raising Cane’s. I usually will eat the whole 4pc combo. We shared a caniac, I had 3 pcs of chicken and a couple fries. I didn’t have the bread or too much of the sauce. And it was totally satisfying and I was FULL!


I only made my Smoothie 3/7 days this week. Not much to report on this one.

Moved My Body

My goal this week was to hit my 8,000 steps every day. I can say, i did it!

I only had one really extra day, that was Thursday at 12,405 steps, and that was because I was chopping down a bush that’s become an issue in our backyard. My arms, legs, shoulders, are all sore today.

I also had a couple days that I struggled to get to 8,000, I was only at 3,000 and ended up pulling weeds in the backyard, that helped me get to my goal!


This weeks weigh in resulted in… A LOSS!!!!

I am down 1.2 pounds this week!

Another successful week!

My totals this week:

  • Loss this week = -1.2
  • Loss from June 1 = -13.8
  • Total lost so far = -25.6

The Measurements

I am still waiting a couple weeks to do more measurements.

All in all, a wonderful week and end of a full month of tracking and hitting the 8,000 step goal!

I’m proud of my movement and my goal will be to hit 8,500 every day this week!

What some of your accomplishments this week? Did you lose? Did you gain? What can you do different this coming week?

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