Weekly Weigh Ins Weight Loss & Health

6/26/2020 Friday Weekly Weigh In

Sixelaland Weekly Weigh In - weight loss journey weightloss

Welcome back! We made it to Friday! It’s been a good week, I hope it was for you as well.

Let’s get right to it and start with what worked for me this week.

I tracked EVERYDAY in my iTrackBites App.

Once again, I stayed on track and tracked all the food I ate this week! It was Fathers Day last Sunday and we went to Texas Roadhouse. Which I love.. but wowza is their food high high high in bites!

I tracked my food before we even stepped foot in the door.

I needed to be 100% prepared and I’m glad I was. The Dallas Filet that I get was 9 bites, ok, not too bad. However, I typically get double loaded baked potatoes and eat them both. Well, I looked them up and.. holy moly, one is 18 bites! SO.. instead of eating both, I gave one to my son and he at his salad and the baked potato. So I didn’t eat 36 bites of baked potato!

I’m so glad I looked everything up prior to eating. I’m usally an eat now and track later (and ask for forgiveness way later) type of gal. This was a progressive step for me!

My total meal that day with the two rolls (9 bites) was 36 bites. I didn’t eat breakfast or dinner, but we did have cake for Fathers Day later in the day so I ended up at 45/41 points.

The rest of the week has been great, I’ve been either right on or 1 or 2 bites under my daily.


I made my Smoothie 4/7 days this week… I also turned my spinach into ICE! I didn’t want my spinach to go bad, and I saw an idea online when I was looking up if I could freeze it, where you blend it with coconut water and pour into ice cube trays. So I thought I’d try it. It worked very well.

I used a 16oz coconut water with two 16 oz boxes of fresh baby spinach. One of the boxes I had made a couple smoothies, but it was still 2/3 full. I poured in a little coconut water, then put in handfuls of spinach, over and over until all my spinach had been liquified. And then i let it BLEND for like 5 minutes… I can’t have pieces and parts, so I wanted to be sure it was good to go!

This made 3 full ice cube trays (16 cubes in each tray). I froze them overnight, then put them in freezer bags.

I had initially calculated 8 cubes per smoothie… however, when I tried that Tuesday, whew, it was TOO much spinach. Wednesdays smoothie had 5 and this was much more tolerable.

The coconut water is 2 bites for the whole 16 oz. Only using 5 cubes at a time with the spinach, I’m not counting the cubes.

Moved My Body

My goal this week was to hit my 8,000 steps every day. I can say, i did it! Even hitting 9,000 two of the seven days!

Yesterday, I had to sit on the computer for a good chunk of the morning, so at 130pm, I got my butt up, and did a Walk from Home video on YouTube by Leslie Sansone. I was able to push my steps from 2,000 to 7,100 in 45 minutes.


This weeks weigh in resulted in… A LOSS!!!!

I am down 3.4 pounds this week!


I am so happy with my results, this was definitely another successful week!

My totals this week:

  • Loss this week = -3.4
  • Loss from June 1 = -12.6
  • Total lost so far = -24.4

The Measurements

I will wait a couple weeks to do more measurements, i don’t want to cause disappointment for no results after just a week.

All in all, a wonderful week! I’m excited for a loss. I’m proud of my movement and will keep upping my numbers regularly. I’m happy with my tracking this week, and will continue to track honestly and work on tracking ahead of the meal as well.

What some of your accomplishments this week? Did you lose? Did you gain? What can you do different this coming week?

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