Weight Loss & Health

Fruits & Vegetables are the Enemy

Yep, I’m trying to lose weight and I can’t.. yes, can’t…eat most fruits and vegetables.

I’m not allergic.

I don’t hate them.

I want to LOVE them, I really do. It would make my life so much easier. They always look so beautiful.

I dislike them. And a good majority, my body refuses to let me eat, those I do hate.

I will get physically ill, sick to my stomach, throw up if I chew, bite, or taste certain vegetables or fruits.

It’s super weird, and I’ve had over forty years to embrace my weird. Now I must learn to adapt.

My list of actual fruits and vegetables I can EAT, is super small:

  • Del Monte Canned Green Beans (must be Del Monte… I know.)
  • Del Monte Canned Corn (also must be Del Monte AND absolutely NEVER a frozen back of corn)
  • Corn on the Cob (with lots of butter of course, that’s super helpful to lose weight)
  • Potatoes (do those really count though?)
  • Carrots (only if they’ve been in a stew and are now mushy and no longer crunchy)
  • Strawberries (barely, the struggle is real)
  • Bananas (it takes me an hour to eat one and I hate every moment, but I can do it)
  • Grapes (I mean… I can, but I hate the texture of the skin)
  • A variety of Beans (again, if you count those)
  • Peaches (IF they have whipped cream with them.)
  • Pineapple (I can, but I don’t love the texture)
  • Apples (has to be a pink lady and I can’t eat the skin)

Ridiculous right? Twice, in my attempt to lose weight, I’ve tried a variety of fruits and vegetables to find something else I could possibly like. It has ended up with this list above. It used to only contain the canned green beans and corn, and potatoes. That was it. I’ve expanded some by trying things, but every new item takes me a while to eat and I still don’t like them. I can just tolerate them by being able to chew and swallow, and not throw up when I chew or swallow.

There are some I hate. The ones that make me seriously phsyically ill:

  • Watermelon
  • Lettuce
  • Honey Dew
  • Cantaloupe
  • Mangoes
  • Papayas
  • Celery
  • Cabbage
  • Coleslaw
  • Cucumber

Even if I smell them, I get nauseous.

If i taste them, I’m out, my meal is done, I can no longer finish whatever I have left.

If I bite them, chew, or swallow, my body will try to throw up. I try to the best of my ability NOT TO, because who really WANTS to throw up. I sure don’t, I pride myself on long periods of time without. But depending on the severity of the bite/chew/swallow, sometimes I can hold it, sometimes I can’t.

Lettuce is the worst. If I chew/swallow the lettuce, it’s coming back up 100% of the time. I can’t. My body refuses to allow it. I won’t even eat the burger or sandwich if there was lettuce on it but they took it off. I can smell it, and I can taste it.

It’s weird, but that’s me. I don’t know why I am the way I am, but I am. LOL.

As you can imagine, this makes my life super difficult. I’m not getting the vitamins needed from fruits and vegetables. (Which is why when I’m on plan, I try to Smoothie 3-5 times a week.) I’m unable to have salad as meal to save on calories. Snacks for me are cheese, or yogurt, or some veggie sticks chips. I’m unable to have celery or carrots or green peppers cut up and snack on those.

I wish I could.

Oh how I wish.

I know the issues are a combination of the taste, smell, and the texture. Texture is a HUGE issue for me. Texture is usually the 1st factor in my dislike. Taste 2nd, and smell 3rd because USUALLY I can’t smell due to my severe allergies… so if I can smell it, it’s strong!

I’ve also tried to smoothie/juice some of these things. Celery juice, lettuce, kale, cucumber. The taste/smell on those is what makes me sick, and even drinking it made me sick.

It’s fun to be me and try to “diet”. Which is why Weight Watchers always used to work for me. I say “used” to, because of the new Smart Points program. But that’s a whole different story.

See how my Picky Eating affects going to restaurants.

Or see. how Weight Watchers Points Plus works for me but Smart Points doesn’t.

What are some of your picky eating quirks? Anybody have similar issues??

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